Amazigh Tales, proverbs, and poetry from the 19th century to the Present Day: An Inventory of Orality in Kabyle and Tuareg Traditions

Spring 2024 GGR Recipient

Katia Bellal (French)

The main objective of this project is to report on the state of research and safeguarding of Amazigh intangible cultural heritage. It analyzes three ancient oral genres that characterize Amazigh society (indigenous people of North Africa) : tale, song/poetry, and proverb. Orality remains the essential tool for the preseravtion and transmission of Amazigh cultural heritage. This summer, I intend to conduct fieldwork in Algeria, both in Tuareg (Djanet), and Kabyle societies (Tarihant). I will collect and analyze oral literary works as well as new manifestations of Amazigh oral culture in the digital space which contributes to their transmission and preservation. This study highlights the idea that oral transmission is constantly evolving and that there is not just a single orality, but a multitude of oralities.